Saturday, January 14, 2012

Resolutions?? Seriously???

OK.  So, I fell off the resolution bandwagon....I really did want to try to blog every day for the month of January.  Last week I had a headache every single day and the thought of sitting at the computer typing just made my head hurt.  I may not be following that resolution but I've done extremely well with being gluten-free.  Up until tonight, I hadn't eaten a thing with gluten and you know, I think I'm starting to feel better.  I have more energy and I didn't have a headache at all this week.  Coincidence?  Who knows but I'm going to keep trying it for the rest of the month and see what happens.
Today was Jan's birthday.  He wanted to stay in and get pizza and wings because it was snowy out so I had pizza and then of course had to have a piece of cake!!!  We had a nice time and Amber called him right in the middle of dinner.  I guess she must have sensed we were all together. 
  Had our first musical rehearsal.  It went well.  We read through act I, they got on stage and learned a few dance steps and we sang a few songs.  I kept the pit kids after to select a rehearsal time which will be Thursday at 6:00.  This should be interesting......

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What happened to my mood?

I took today off to go with Kay downtown for her hearing in Family Court.   Shannon offered to watch Vinnie so that made the day a little easier.  We got there early, gotten taken care of quickly and were back on our way home even before the time we were scheduled to be there!  All in all, a great day.  We came home and did little things around the house.  I made a gluten-free mac and cheese recipe with Brown Rice Penne which was just ok.  It's been 4 days and I'm still waiting to feel better.  I'm still waiting to not feel the need to kill someone for something sweet after dinner.  I'm still waiting to have a day without a headache!  I know- it's only been 4 days but how about seeing a little progress?  Is that too much to ask?                             
Last night I met with Rose Seege, the new Town Supervisor.  It looks like I will have my old job of Rec Director back after tonight.  There is a work session and she will announce it there.  Next Wednesday at 7:00 I will officially be appointed.  Am I ready for this?  With the musical starting up and the added duty ofn taking on the pit will  I really be able to handle it all?  It will be a long 3 months!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day #2 of 1st monthly resolutions!

Why is it when you know it's the last day of your vacation that the day just flies by??!  I got up somewhat early- early for a vacation day anyway.  Kelsey, Vinnie and I went to JCPenny to buy her a new winter jacket that she badly needed.  She found a nice orange pea coat- very cute.  Then we went to Wegs to shop for my new eating plan.  It was like shopping in a foreign country!!  Buying things in the "weird" area of the store was strange!!  I bought all kinds of things  that were gluten-free.  We finished up our shopping and headed to AC Moore to buy some yarn for a cowl and fingerless mitts to match the new jacket.  Vinnie was a doll and slept most of the time we were gone.

We got home and unloaded the bags and Kay went to the gym.  I decided to make a loaf of gluten-free bread in the bread maker.  It actually wasn't too bad!!  I think it's time for a new bread maker, though.  We've had that one for quite a while and the new models are so much faster.  So, that's on my list of things to do!  I'm doing pretty well with cutting out the sweets but I'll tell you- after dinner is the killer!  I want something sweet!!  Nothing seems to stop that craving.  But I'm determined to stick with this at least for the month.  I'm hoping I'll get so used to not having sweets that the urge will go away!!  I know- I'm a dreamer!

I'm trying to get my head around going back to school.  Ugh.  Where has the time gone???  And January is always so l-o-n-g!!!  But we're going to be doing a bunch of things with resolutions this week and I think next week- if we get a little more snow- will be a mini-unit on snowmen/globes.  That will be fun.    Next week also brings musical auditions.  That's when my life starts spinning out of control!  Add some babysitting so Kay can go to the gym and I won't have much "me" time.  But it's all good.

Gotta hit the hay.  Tomorrow will be a tough one!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here's to another new year!

Well, here we are again.  It's New Year's 2012.  I've decided to make monthly resolutions or goals rather than yearly ones.  I think this might just make things more doable.  So here's my list:

January- eat cleaner and try to blog at least 5 days out of the wee

February- drink 8 cups of water every day

March- eat fruit for dessert

April- pay someone a compliment every day

May-- eat a healthy breakfast

June- Skip secos and make Vinnie's quilt

July- Eat more veggies

August- meditate and can

September- stop negative talk

October- no red meat

November- no fast food

December- who knows!

Other goals are to read more and create more DIY things.  Oh, and knit more, too!!

So, tomorrow I'm going grocery shopping and loading up on healthy foods.  I'm going to try going gluten-free for the month and see if I feel any different.  I've been so sluggish and tired all the time.  I hope it helps.

Amber and Justin came home for Christmas.  They were expected to get home on Christmas day but they surprised me on Friday night!!  Everyone else knew they were coming earlier but me!!  It was such a great surprise.  We ate, played lots of games, went out to dinner and just enjoyed being together.  They left yesterday morning and man, is the house quiet.  Too quiet.  Kelsey and Vinnie are here- thank goodness.  I can't imagine how quiet it would be if they weren't!!!  Speaking of Vinnie.....I know his arrival wasn't under the ideal circumstances, but I can't even expain how much I love that little guy!!  To be a part of his life every day is an absolute dream come true.  I get to see him at his best and his worst.  He hasn't been the easiest baby- a little colicky but Kay's doing a great job with him.  She's patient and not afraid to ask for help when she's not sure of something.  He's settling into a routine which is great.  I love coming home from work and having him give me a big toothless smile!  Puts everything in perspective!! 
Ok.  That's it for today!!  Day #1!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More quotes from What a Difference A Dog Makes

What is it about our dogs that gets us thinking about heaven, about matters of ultimate concern?  What is it about our dogs that pierces us to the depths of our souls?

If there is a heaven, some sort of afterlife, I like to think of it as a place where we get reunited with all the good deogs that we've ever known.

Each one of our good dogs is a psalm, a prayer, a song of praise-on four legs and with a wagging tail.  The only reason any dog turns from the good is because it has been corrupted by the evil of men.

One of the gateways to true adulthood is when we finaly understand that even as we live, we are moving toward death.  The dogs in our lives help leaven that understanding, let us rehearse those last breaths.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quotes from What a Difference a Dog Makes by Dan A. Jennings

But that's one of the big mysteries, right?  How did we choose dogs, and how did they choose us?
What do we see when we stare into each other's eyes?  What deep mamal bond lurks there?  Why do we stoop for a strange dog and ask to scratch it's soft, irrestible ears?  And why does that same dog give us the hard lean against our legs that tells us, "Hey, man, you're alright."
Oh I know that the biologists and tyhe anthropologists think they have answers to those questions.  But their dry science isn't satisfying, doesn't roll around in the mud and revel in the mystery of it all.
There's something essential in the physical transactions between human and dog.  When Bijou jumps onto the couch, circles a couple times, then plumps herself down next to me and sighs in contentment, that act sums up why we bring dogs into our lives:  We savor the beauty of the fact that the miracles of their lives so comfortably intersect with the miracles of our own.

We invite our dogs into our lives as "just the family pet," but often they end up being canine candles that blaze and shine, illuminating our lives. 

Dogs are miracles in the moment- and they teach us, in fact, that each moment is an absolute miracles-and they live in the eternal present.  They don't fret over past mistakes, or dwell on past glories, either.  The future is always now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Geesh! Where does the time go???

So, I realize it's been a while since I've posted.  I can't even explain where I've been.  I made it through another great musical.  I survived the news that Amber and Joe are splitting.  I've even grown to accept the idea that Kelsey's pregnant.  I can't quite say that I'm excited just yet but I'm working on it.  She asked me to go with her to her appointment for an ultrasound on Tuesday.  I got to see the baby and it's a boy!  Everything looks fine so that's good.  I've started looking at knitting patterns so that's good, right???  I want to be a good grandma but the situation is a little strange.  I'm trying, really I am....
It's been a tough week.  I had my last chorus concert on Wednesday.  What the hell am I going to do with myself???   Not teach music??? Really??  It's like a huge slap.  And to know that the kids won't be getting a teacher who is excited, happy to be with them and that is going to kill me.  Teaching music has been my dream come true and now it's coming to an end.  I've been close to tears all week and sometimes the tears have won.  And I'm so sick and tired of hearing people say, "Well, at least you still have a job.""  Really????  Please.  I've given everything I could to this district.  I've gone above and beyond what everyone else has done and this is my reward???  Ugh.  On top of all of this, Thursday was the 5 month anniversay of Flutie.  God, I still miss him like it was yesterday.  Now that spring is here, every shadow I see outside, I think it's him.  Des was here last night and heard something that for just a second- she thought it was him.  Will this ever get easier?  Will my heart ever stop aching?  Will my tears ever stop?